Hello, how are you, niinka caavukiyaama?
It's been almost two weeks since I last wrote. I have mostly been around Madurai, developing a bit of a routine, yet this is bound to change since formal classes end in 3 weeks. After we finish formal classes we will begin our independent field research. What will you research, Emily? I still have no idea! There is so much here that interests, confuses and delights me, I have no clue how to pick a single topic...
One highlight of the last two weeks was our trip to Kodaikkannal. Kodai is a popular tourist destination far up in the Indian mountains. It was gorgeous (I have attached some pictures) and such a nice respite from the city. The air in the mountains was clean and cool (versus polluted and hot) and our schedule was relatively free. We did visit a coffee research plant that offers adivse to local farmers. Beware of the Indian tour: you will probaly be walked through every minute aspect of the organization, introduced to a multitude of employees, and may be invited to the guide's house for tea afterward... We also visited an agricultural field that contained bananas, oranges, gooseberries, eucalyptus, and avocado. The oranges were the best I've ever tasted! The field was an incredible place, with a 3,000 year-old stone tomb and a temple complex at the very top. We spent a long time sitting on the edge of a rock cliff, enjoying the lush view and eating oranges.
For those of you who contributed monetarily to this academic experience, don't fret! I do not regularly sit on cliffs and eat oranges. In fact, I am SO busy! I have at least 3 classes a day, usually followed by some sort of field trip (we have visited temples for my Religion class and multiple villages and NGO's for my Socio/Political course). After class I attend yoga and get home late to eat dinner and chat with my family. Around 10:00 my host family goes to bed, giving me some quiet time to study. But by that point my brain is usually mush from all the stimulus and information I packed in during the day... This trip is a test of willpower, time management and balance!
We are leaving to visit the South Indian state of Kerala next week. It is the first of three "tours" we will takes, and I am so excited! In the schedule is river boating, elephant-riding, and ocean-viewing, so it's sure to be amazing!
Love seeing the smiling kids. Now we want to see more of your smiling face! Stick your toes in the ocean for us and careful on your elephant. We've seen how you drive! Lots of Love, Dad, Mom and the girls. XOXO